Excellence more than Perfection

We need to be excellent more than being perfect because perfection never happens. However, at the time of being an excellent person, it sounds like we have become perfect. It sounds like we have improved and hence we cannot say that we have become perfect, but, at that moment we sense the perfection.

The growth happens after we have gone through so many things and when the things look like straight, we find the path easy and perfect. So, there is improved version or say upgraded version of our life and then we all shall rest in peace.

Those who are perfectionist should know that in real perfection never happens and things can be done far much better in quality and quantity too. However, it is all about the time since we always find ourself doing better as time advances.

Everyone Wants Freedom

Freedom is the existence of a human being. Without freedom no one can exists. When we have no freedom we feel dead, however, there is always a way towards freedom from what we want. We are generally stuck and are fearful to take a step towards freedom. True freedom comes from within only while others may help us to set free. We have to take that decision.


Nothing is perfect as such, however, Grace makes it look perfect in real by transformation. This transformation of heart and thoughts brings amazing change within us. Things start becoming perfect on its own as we go on getting transformed or changed.

Above All

Grace thinks above all the condemnation of the world. It does not consider anything dirty, evil and unholy even when only Grace is holy. It does not differentiate between good or bad for the sake of condemnation. Grace is good only and promotes correction without condemnation.