Above All

Grace thinks above all the condemnation of the world. It does not consider anything dirty, evil and unholy even when only Grace is holy. It does not differentiate between good or bad for the sake of condemnation. Grace is good only and promotes correction without condemnation.

Grace is gentle to understand, accept and correct patiently. Grace remains observant and hence is prompt in understanding too. It seems that Grace listens and understands completely. Grace does not think superficial. It is not offended at all.

Grace above all is based on true love. It deals with love that is real. It is meek due to its observant attitude. It seems to give a chance to all.

Grace remains above all the arguments too. A graceful heart concentrates more on correction without recording the wrongdoings. This also means that the heart established with the Grace of God remains above in the world of correction instead of wasting time in the world of wrongdoings.

Thus, Grace race can be ran fast by remaining above all.