God's Grace

God's Grace is a power of purity. It is the purity that works. The presence of God is purity. The presence of pure God is the Grace. It has power to remove all the disgrace. It has power to remove all the soulish punishments and change it into continuity.

This also means that in God's presence there is no punishment at all. The end is always good and continuity. God's presence when comes at the end always continues goodness only. There is no death at the end. There is life and no records of the wrongdoings.

When the end comes, there is actually freedom from punishment in the end in the Grace of God. God's purity works towards good only, continue only, forward only, upward only, ahead only, moving only and never stopped.

Thus, it is continuity that is found in impurity. Continuity in goodness. Graceful love has no dead end, no finish. God's graceful love always continues to different levels of perfection and ends in perfection made for sure.

Until the perfection is being done, there is no punishment. So, it becomes a learning process only. Learning without fear of being punished. Learning without shame of being imperfect. Learning without worrying about the result is found in God's Grace only.

So, one can be graceful, merciful and peaceful for the sake of goodness only.