Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace as the name says it all is the Grace of God's goodness. The God who transforms from evil to good, from bad to good, from failure to goodness and from 'NO' to 'YES'. He is the God of Grace. His Grace means method of transformation is amazing.

What can be amazing? Anything that is limitless. Thus, the limitless Grace of God is also unconditional. That makes it amazing. It remains unconditional forever. This also means that it remains never ending and above the trap of the world.

It is amazing because it always continues. It never says 'NO' but only 'YES'. It is amazing because it does not stop due to any hindrance. It walks above the hindrance and hence it is free flowing and amazing.

Amazing Grace is the unconditional love of God. We are reconciled with unconditional love by walking on the path of transformation. Transforming from impure to pure, from evil to good. The transformation is from manly ego to godly Grace.

It is amazing Grace of God that transforms one's heart from discontinuity to continuity. It is within our heart that this amazing Grace is established and that settles us forever. The heart established with the Grace of God is in its fullness of Grace, Mercy and Peace.

Amazing Grace is Graceful, Merciful and Peaceful. It is 'FULL' of goodness only because it is the transformed heart. Amazing Grace transforms our heart in a process. The amazing part of Grace of God is that the result of transformation is most amazing.

When our heart is established by amazing Grace, it is settled perfectly to see beautiful fruits within. We become calm, cool, pleasant, patience, self-controlled, kind, merciful, dedicated and meaningful. Life becomes cool, special and totally amazing.