Pure Wisdom

As the name suggests 'Pure Wisdom' is pure indeed. It has no dilute at all. It has no mixture and has no clone or any template too. Purity of wisdom is learned. Learning process with patience results in perfection. Remaining perfect then after is continuous.

Wisdom of the world can be tricky, wicked and harmful. Pure wisdom is the good only wisdom. It harms none. It is good only and not a combination of good and bad. It remains pure throughout, never changes and never fades away.

It is permanent and not volatile. It beautiful life more and more. It becomes amazing at a point and thereafter becomes more amazing. It is the most amazing thing.

Pure wisdom is the best wisdom. It is in its purest form. It leads us towards real peace through merciful heart. It begins with Grace (a chance). The chance becomes our decision to walk on the way of goodness only.

Pure wisdom thinks above all the impurities and remains untouched and undiluted. God' Grace is the purest form of wisdom. Pure wisdom leads us on the way of correction. Pure wisdom is unconditional firstly due to which we get a pure chance of correction.

Pure wisdom helps become perfect in materialistic life too. That is why things are restored and maintained forever in materialistic world too.

What is spiritual becomes materialistic too. Hence, pure wisdom makes a man intelligent in materialistic world. Intelligence is all about understanding life as it is, true, pure and peaceful.